What is Gout and How to Prevent it?

Podagra, a type of gout, affects the feet and toes. It causes painful, acute inflammatory episodes. Excess uric acid forms small crystals around and in the joints, causing inflammation. Consuming certain foods, such as seafood, red meat, organ meats like liver and kidney, or alcohol can increase the amount of uric acid in your body. The main symptoms are joint swelling, tenderness, and redness. Gout is more common in people older than 30 and more frequent in men.

In this Channel you will learn all about Gout: Gout Home Remedy

There are Risks

Gout is the main cause of podagra. It is caused by excess uric acid in your blood which causes crystals to form in the joints. These crystals can be very irritating and can cause painful, reddening joints. Gout is a common condition that affects more women than men and increases in frequency with age. Gout can be caused by drinking alcohol, eating red meat and organ meats (such liver and kidney), as well as certain medications such as high blood pressure and heart failure.


The most common symptoms include severe pain in the toes and foot joints and redness and swelling. Gout attacks can be recurrent and often appear quickly.

Here you can learn more about the symptoms of Gout: Gout Symptoms


The diagnosis is made based on clinical history as well as physical examination. A doctor will likely take a sample of fluid from the inflamed joints to check for signs of gout crystals. A blood test can be used to measure the level of uric acid present in the blood. Gout can be detected by x-rays and ultrasounds.


Anti-inflammatory medications and pain reliefs such as acetaminophen or colchicine can be used to reduce swelling and pain during an attack podagra. Gout management may be possible by making lifestyle changes such as losing weight, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. This supplement with natural ingredients is one of the best treatments: Gout Treatment


You can prevent future gout attacks by changing your diet, avoiding trigger foods, and taking allopurinol if needed. Allopurinol lowers blood uric acid. Gout attacks can be prevented by losing weight.


Gout can cause joint swelling and pain in many people. Gout episodes can be controlled with medication and avoidance of foods that cause them. Gout can lead to arthritis, joint damage, lumps under your skin, and even kidney disease if it isn’t treated. 

There are many home remedies that can help prevent or relieve gout pain: Home Remedies For Gout