How does Erectile Dysfunction manifest itself?

Erectile Dysfunction is when the erection does not provide enough for sexual intercourse, or it cannot be sustained long enough.

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Often, the sexual desire (libido), is still present. Erectile dysfunction is a condition where these difficulties are present in at least 70% of attempted attempts. It must also be present for at least 6 months. If it doesn’t work every now and again, then this is not erectile disorder by definition.

Erectile dysfunction can be present from childhood or suddenly develop. Erectile dysfunction may also be person- or situation-related. The self-test will provide you with an indication if you have erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction: The Consequences

Erectile dysfunction can severely shake a man’s self-esteem. Many men will withdraw from situations where sex may occur and avoid them altogether. Erectile dysfunction is particularly detrimental to partners. Men fear failure, and feel they cannot meet their partner’s expectations. The vicious circle of failure begins: the man puts himself under more pressure which makes it harder to have an erection.

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What does “Impotence” and what does “Sterility” actually mean?

Erectile dysfunction was also known as “impotence”, or the term used to describe it. There are two types of impotence in medical terms: impotentia coleundi (inability or desire to have intercourse) & impotentia générandi (inability or desire to reproduce). The term “impotence”, however, is no longer used often. Sterility also refers to the inability for a man reproduce. This is when erectile function does not seem to be affected.

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Other Male Dysfunctions

Erectile dysfunction refers to male sexual dysfunction. This includes libido disorders, premature orgasm, ejaculation or failure to have orgasm (anorgasmia).

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