Why are Erectile Dysfunction more and more frequent and how does Potencialex help against it?

Numerous studies have shown that the risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED), increases with age. Erectile dysfunction is not caused by age. Instead, aging can bring with it many risk factors. These include chronic diseases like diabetes or cardiovascular disease, hormonal changes, and lower physical resilience.

Erectile dysfunction is not a common problem in older men. Not all offspring have a great erection. A combination of medication and therapy is often used to treat erectile dysfunction in young men.

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Age Group based on frequency of Erectile Dysfunction

Numerous studies have already shown that erectile function gradually declines over time. However, potency isn’t just a problem for older men. Young men can also experience erectile dysfunction. Men between 30 and 39 years old have an ED prevalence rate of 11%, while men in their 20s have an ED prevalence rate of 8%.

The outlook for men over 40 is worse. Here, 40% of men have erection issues, while the number is slightly higher in the 50s. However, the likelihood of experiencing erection issues is 10 times higher in men aged 50-90 than it is in men younger than 50.

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Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

It is common to believe that erectile dysfunction does not affect young men. Erectile dysfunction is a condition that can affect any age man. Almost one in four new ED diagnoses today are for men under 40.

We don’t know much about the causes of impotence among young men. Young men suffering from erectile dysfunction, for example, are generally healthy and have no problems with getting or maintaining erections. Psychogenic erectile dysfunction is commonly referred to. Psychological processes are what prevent erections.

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Erectile Dysfunction at 20

Is erectile dysfunction at 20 a rare condition? It is a clear and unambiguous no!

Research shows that men struggle to erection even during their 20s. This is the peak period for potency. One study found that 8% of men in their 20s have erectile dysfunction. Another study found that as high as 30% of men aged between 18 and 25 had erection problems.

Erection Problems at Age 20: Causes

Only 10-20% of erectile problems in men across all ages are psychological. Organic causes are responsible for the remaining potency issues. Psychogenic ED can be more common in younger men. Erectile dysfunction after 20 years is usually psychological in origin.

Erectile Problems in young men can be psychological:

  • Perform under pressure
  • False expectations
  • Relationship stress
  • Depression

Organic Causes of Erection issues:

  • Alcohol & Drugs
  • Neurological disorders
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Hormonal disorders

Treatment for Erection Problems in 20-year-olds

First, the good news. Erection problems in your 20s almost always have a psychological component and can be treated and even curable. Now, the bad news. A psychogenic ED cannot be treated in an instant. It takes patience and active cooperation.

First, you need to be open and flexible in your approach to the problem. You should involve your partner in the treatment if you have one. It is important to communicate openly and cooperate. If that fails, you can seek out a psychotherapist. Therapy can help you deal with stress and the pressure to perform.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by psychological factors. A medicinal approach may also prove to be beneficial. PDE-5 inhibitors like Viagra and Cialis can be helpful in calming the mind and strengthening the erection. Positive sexual experiences with sexual enhancers can increase self-confidence and reduce the need to perform. Ergo: more relaxation during sex.

Healthy lifestyle Magnificent Erection

A lifestyle change can make a significant difference in the recovery of erectile dysfunction. This does not happen overnight. However, it is possible to see the first signs of improvement after a few weeks, or even months.

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Lifestyle changes are the most important aspect of any lifestyle change:

  • Regular exercise (endurance training, muscle building)
  • Healthy and balanced eating habits
  • Avoidance of nicotine, alcohol and other drugs
  • Avoiding stress
  • Get enough sleep
  • Regular training of the pelvic floor muscles
  • Preventive medical checks should be observed