All about the Ketogenic Diet

Keto burn

The ketogenic diet, also known as the Keto diet, allows you to lose weight by focusing on fats while drastically reducing your carbohydrate intake. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? And yet you will see that keto really works! We explain it all to you.

Diet Revolyn Keto Burn

When you start a diet, the objective is of course to lose weight. But not at any cost! It is not only important to maintain a balanced diet so that the body does not lack anything, but also to avoid overly restrictive methods that generally ensure that all the weight lost is quickly regained. The Keto routine differs from other diets in that it not only allows you to shed unwanted pounds but also improves your well-being. No frustration, a new way of eating and an effective diet based on scientific evidence. The keto diet is a perfect way to find a new balance.

What is the ketogenic diet?

The ketogenic diet proposes to reverse the usual food pyramid and recommends 70 to 90% fat, moderate amounts of protein and low carbohydrate intake. Energy will therefore come from fat, about 80%, as opposed to only 10% from carbohydrates. This inversion will cause the body to enter a state of ketosis. These ketone bodies produced by the liver from carbohydrates will then become the body’s fuel. The advantage of this state of ketosis is that it will also inhibit the secretion of ghrelin, or hunger hormone. Without this appetite stimulating substance, goodbye to the feeling of being hungry that you get with some diets. You are less hungry, you eat less, you lose weight without frustration and… you feel better!

How do you set up a Keto Diet?

While in an ordinary diet the energy intake comes mainly from carbohydrates, moderately from fats and little from proteins, in a ketogenic diet it is the other way round. Here is a concrete way to reverse this balance.

Eliminate starchy foods and sugary products

“To achieve ketosis and lose weight, you need to consume a maximum of 20 to 30 grams of carbohydrates per day,” say Keto dietician-nutritionist. To reach this amount, all carbohydrate foods should be eliminated: sugar and products containing it, but also cereals, potatoes, wheat and its derivatives (pasta, semolina, etc.), legumes and flours.

Eat enough meat, fish, eggs, tofu

These foods have the advantage of being rich in proteins, the basic building blocks of our cells, without containing carbohydrates. You need 1 to 1.2 grams per kilo of body weight every day, i.e. 60 to 70 grams if you weigh 60 kilos,” says Dr Bourdua-Roy. Attention: it is not the weight of the food, but its protein content. To put it simply, 100 grams of meat or fish contain about 25 grams. To cover daily requirements, you need protein at each meal.

Rehabilitate good fatty foods and fats

We try to increase their share while remaining reasonable: You need to include enough fat because it becomes the body’s main fuel, but not too much either to force it to de-stock.

We therefore rehabilitate fatty meats and fish (paying attention to their origin), oils (rapeseed, olive and walnut), fatty dairy products (Greek yoghurts, hard cheeses, fresh cream and butter), seeds and nuts. We also use coconut oil, whose medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) facilitate the transition to a state of ketosis.

Selecting vegetables and, above all, fruit

Rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, vegetables should be present at every meal. “But as they all contain carbohydrates, it is better to choose those that contain the least amount of carbohydrates and, above all, to adapt the quantities according to the carbohydrate content,” explains the dietician. As for fruit, most of it is rich in sugar. However, a small portion of the least sweet red fruit can be eaten every day. “When it is well balanced, the ketogenic diet contains an appreciable amount of plants,” says Évelyne Bourdua-Roy.

 Cook by yourself

Most industrial products, whether salty or sweet, contain hidden sugars in various forms and names. The best way to control your carbohydrate intake is to do your own shopping, menus and dishes. There are many recipes adapted to the ketogenic diet (keto breads and desserts, sauces, dishes, etc.): the possibilities are endless.

Drink to hydrate your body

The ketogenic diet leads to a loss of water because the glycogen particles (the body’s sugar reserves) are stored with 3 or 4 water molecules,” the doctor explains. When you use up your reserves, the water is excreted and released by the kidneys. We should therefore make sure we drink enough (water, infusions, broth, etc.), at least 1.5 litres of water per day!

A quick overview about Revolyn Keto Burn food supplement:

Increases fat burning
Particularly effective with a lot of activity
Targeted weight loss formula
No yo-yo effect

Not available worldwide
Does not saturate

Revolyn Keto Burn Diet