What about Potencialex to treat your Erectile Dysfunction?

Sex problem. Disappointed black unsatisfied woman lying in bed, sad man looking under blanket, top view

Stress, relationship conflicts or illness – when desire disappears, it can have physical or psychological reasons, in any case loss of libido puts quite a bit of pressure on you. However, both sexes can find a way out of the crisis.

Until her husband decides to stop having sex with her, Katharina* actually leads a happy marriage. This is followed by long discussions, arguments, despair. Katharina is confused, hurt, convinced that it must be her fault. It takes two years until her husband gets drunk one night and it bursts out of him: His penis just won’t get hard anymore. just won’t get hard anymore. They spend the next few months seeing doctors. They test his testosterone levels, have his prostate examined, his blood sugar, his cholesterol.

And find nothing. “I slowly don’t know what to do anymore,” Katharina writes in a forum. They try Viagra, which only makes her husband nauseous.
The other drugs don’t help either, except for side effects. She is desperate, her husband too. What to do?

Physical causes such as diabetes and high blood pressure affect erectile function more slowly. Therefore, a decrease in erectile function over a longer period of time is to be expected. over a longer period of time.

In many cases, it is not possible to distinguish between a psychological and a physical cause. Nevertheless, it is advisable to discuss the subject in a confidential confidential discussion with a doctor.

Potencialex has already helped many partners to regain their intimate life without having to go through a separation: Potencialex Original.

Risk factors for erectile dysfunction:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Depression
  • Hyperlipidemia (elevated blood lipids)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Coronary artery disease (disease of the coronary arteries)
  • Spinal cord injury

Erectile dysfunction in men has increased

Biochemically, our libido is a complicated process not yet deciphered by research. When it suddenly becomes unstable, the causes are often not easy to find. easy to find. Let’s talk about men first: according to a study by the University of Cologne, around five million of them have erectile dysfunction.

As further studies suggest, have increased since the turn of the century – while in 2000 only one in 43 men had at least sporadic problems, by 2017 they were occurring in one of every two men.

On the one hand, this drastic increase may be due to increased porn consumption, which often has a desensitizing effect. On the other hand, during the same period there has also been an increase in so-called diseases – obesity, diabetes and heart disease, which are linked to poor nutrition, high alcohol consumption and lack of exercise, among other things – have also increased over the same period and possibly “bring the penis to its knees”.

As we experience more and more pressure and accumulated stress the number of men suffering from this problem has also increased but Potencialex has such potent natural ingredients that it attacks the problem at its origin: Potencialex Buy.


If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time and are not only of a sporadic nature, men should consult a urologist. The good news is that in most cases erectile dysfunction is easily treatable. Depending on the diagnosis, various therapies are possible: medication with Viagra or PGE-5 inhibitors, which dilate the blood vessels, as well as direct injections or tablets that are inserted into the urethra and relax the muscles so that enough blood can flow through. If you don’t want to resort to medication right away can also try pelvic floor training. For mild erectile dysfunction, a simple penis ring can also help. Whatever the man decides, he should always talk to his doctor first.

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